Friday, May 11, 2012

The cast FINALLY comes off!!  The funniest part about him getting this off was that when the tech used the saw to cut it Peyton started laughing was pretty funny.  I might have to add a video at the end:)

 Addi (and Max:) have a play date with preschool friends.
 Peyton's 2nd grade field trip to Soil Boil Farms.  Tim was able to take the day off and surprise Peyton!  Too bad there isn't a picture of the both of them!

 Addi earned roller blades by staying in her own is her new favorite pass time:)  And of course everywhere that Addi went the Max was sure to go!!
 I was doing laundry and came out to find that Max had let Stella in.....again.  She was sitting with him on the couch and almost asleep!  She new she was busted and by the time I came back with the camera she was getting down:)
 Aren't they so cute when they are asleep?  Max the dentist says no more sucking your fingers!!!
 I got up one morning to find these two ready to roll:)  Addi had helped Max get his on all by herself.

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