Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer visitors 2012

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit at the end of July and met Megyn.
 All three kids (and Grandpa) were missing and suspiciously quiet so I went to see what was going on.....this what what I found.  Grandpa and Lucy asleep, and the three kids were playing a game on Grandpas I Pad:)
 Tim and Peyton getting ready for Pack meeting....I can't remember what it was called but they made and raced these rocket ships.  Not sure who had more fun with these!

 Addison's first day of Kindergarten.......she had her whole outfit, hair, and hair bow picked out for weeks! 
 Second day of was to frazzled to get the picture the first day:(

 Uncle Taylor and Aunt Mary came for a visit!!! 

 Mary let Addi put on her makeup.....very brave of her! 

 Here are a couple of our little "Super Chunk".  Love you Meg! 

1 comment:

Taylor & Mary said...

aw these pictures are so fun! we had a blast visiting! miss you guys!