Can I just say that I am DONE cleaning up human excretions for a while! Here are the might be an "over-share" as we call it in my family, (this has not been approved for all audiences-viewer discretion is advised, consider yourself warned!)
Story #1
The other day I was in a mood to do a little cleaning, Addison was taking a nap and Peyton was at the office helping daddy. I was almost done cleaning under and rearranging the couches, when I heard Addison wake up. She was just talking and playing and so I decided to try to finish up my mess before going to get her.......BAD IDEA!! I finally go in to get her and her room smelled REALLY bad, I turned the light on and went to get her and noticed something brownish all over her face, that's right her FACE! She is just sitting there smiling at me with POOP all over her and all over everything. It took me a minute to actually believe what I was seeing. She had an up the back blowout, then decided to play in it......I think she might have even eaten it, as it was all over her binki. I know the GROSSEST thing you have ever heard right! Well it was all over her clothes, pillow, bedding, even on the bumper. It was pretty much the nastiest thing that has ever happened to me! After getting her cleaned up and ready to go in the tub, there was a knock on the door. Our sweet neighbor had brought us some rhubarb pies. She could see my predicament and naked baby still with some poo on her nose and didn't stay long. However Stella did manage to get in when she left....which I didn't notice. So after getting Addison out of the tub I come back out to find Stella dragging the diaper all over!!! I could have died. Really looking back on this, I don't know how I made it through that! I called the doctor to see if there was anything we needed to worry about, she said more than likely she will be fine, just watch her. WHEW made it through that one!
Story #2
Peyton started complaining of his tummy hurting that morning. He didn't really feel like doing much and just wanted to watch tv. It was the 5th of July and there was a rodeo here in Ninilchik. Tim had been wanting to take him so we all loaded up and were off. He just sat there most of the time. We did convince him to go out to do the calf chase, I think he had fun but was just not feeling good! We get home and he was complaining of his tummy, and at 7:00 told us he just wanted to go to bed......something was definitely wrong. We were all out in the kitchen/living room when he comes out crying and said I Phrew-UP all over! I felt so bad we didn't even hear him get up. He tried to make it to our bathroom, without going into details lets just say it was really disgusting. Tim was there to help me with that one!
Story #3
So a couple of days later I had just got the kids bathed and dressed and was just finishing getting Peyton's pants on. When Addison gave me this weird look, it almost looked like she was choking on something. She started crawling toward me and I said "Peyton will you go grab her cup I think she needs a drink" well being concerned for his sister he comes over to her face and says "oh whats wrong" you can probably guess what happened next......yep more throw up all over all the three of us. I felt so bad for Peyton he started crying because it had just gotten all over his favorite shirt (his USA tie die from B-ginia). He kept saying "mom you should have patted her back better so she doesn't throw up" it's funny that he remembers me doing that like 6 months ago. Anyways I think she got whatever bug Peyton had. It didn't seem to last long. But I think that one was the hardest one for me. A while ago we had to switch Addison from Cows milk to Goat milk because she wasn't doing good on Cows. Anyways I don't know why I am so grossed out at goats milk, she seems to like it. But I can't bring myself to try it, I don't even like the way it smells. So cleaning that one the second time up was really hard for me.
I really hope this was the last time I have to clean up nastiness for a long while. I remember staying at Sharon's house once and all of her kids got sick. I was trying to help her clean them up and help her bathe them. I couldn't do it, I was gagging the whole time. I told her that if my kids ever did this, I really didn't think I could clean it up. She just laughed. But it must be a mothers instinct that kicks in, because somehow you just do what you have to do for your kids.