Saturday, August 21, 2010


Here is our newest little cousin! Marlee was born on Aug 19th. I was able to be in the room when she was born and it was just an awesome experience, one that I will never forget! Thanks Tina and Jake for sharing that moment with me! She is so precious.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Addi gets ready to DaNcE!

Addison is going to start a dance class next week so we went out shopping today to get her little dance clothes. She was so excited when we tried it all....I HAD to take a few picts. Isn't she adorable?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime?

This post may be the longest you have ever seen! But I am officially caught up blogging WAHOO!! That makes me so happy:) I got motivated to catch up so Tim could see what we have been doing this summer, so this one is for you daddy...we love and miss you!!

This was a picture taken this spring....our neighbors came and told us that from their porch this rainbow looked like it went perfectly over our house. Looking back it was taken only a few days before we got the news about Tim's was simple, and normal.
These are a few pictures of Lagoon. We had been promising to take the kids this summer and we were able to fit it in just a few days before Tim left for training. Thanks Aunt Tina for watching Max! We had a blast that day. My kids talk about it all of the time and Peyton says that he is going to drive there by himself when he turns 16....oh and that he wants to work there when he gets older:)

Here is a group shot at Ava Jeans Birthday party!

These next few are of Fathers Day, we had a get together at my Grandparents RV park in Fort Bridger with my moms sisters and their families.

Max loved the watermelon....rind, I kept trying to get him to eat the red part and he would scream and keep chewing on the rind:)
These three little stinkers came running to the front yard at my parents house with NO pants on..... then ran back. We snuck behind the house to see what they were up to and they were playing in my parents empty sandbox that had collected some nasty sprinkler water. But they were having a grand ol' time!

If you look very closely in the corner you will see something there....
Yep it's a baby SKUNK!!
My parents had some babies living around their house, they are so cute...when they are tiny. My dad was tempted to get their sprayers taken out (is that what they do?) and have one as a pet. The kids would watch for them to be walking around the house then would run outside to see them. We looked out the back door one morning and Addi saw them and ran the time I got out there she was standing about a foot from one of them!! I was sure she was going to get sprayed but luckily she didn't!

Grandpa showing Peyton how to drive the lawn he old enough for that? No worries...Grandpa jumped on a few seconds later:)
Going fishing at Hoops Lake

Peyton patiently waiting for a fish....he was sure he wasn't going to catch anything.
"AHHHHH I got something!!!" Reel Peyton Reel!

We had such a fun day fishing....I think it was my dads first trip since his surgery, he looked like he was having such a good time. I am so glad he felt up to taking us. We have had so much fun staying with them this summer!
Wow that fishing trip wiped us out!
Playing in the sprinklers......"Peyton, DON'T SPRAY US!"
Here are some pictures of my dads sister, Aunt Nancy's family reunion
Addi and Abby built a doll house
There is my Aunt Nancy making ponchos, they had a Mexican theme and she brought all of the kids pocket knives....Peyton was only slightly excited about that! He asks me if he can have it about everyday...."a little older" I tell him, dad can handle that one!

Here is my Aunts husband Dave making ribs for dinner, he SO good at dutch oven cooking! Yummy:)

This picture just makes me laugh :D
There is my beautiful cousin Jessica, she pretty much had Max the whole time. It was so fun to catch up with her! We had lots of fun back in the day.
Peyton played T-Ball
He had so much fun but the best part of it for him was the medal he got at their last game.
Fun at Bear Lake! (The BEAR Lake as Addi calls it:)

See my pretty nails....and pink dress.....again!

I look at these pictures and am blown away that I have three kids....that play and fight with each other. But have to say I love how my kids tell each other that they love each other a lot and give each other lots of hugs! Peyton is staying in Wyoming right now and Addison has been so lost without him. She will say with her hands on her hips "where is my Peyton mom and when is he coming home?" "I just wuuuv him."

The story about Peytons tooth/teeth. Well he has lost about four this summer, he is looking like a jack-o-lantern about now. He had a loose top tooth for a few days when we were in Wyoming at my parents house.....well he was to scared to pull it out so we left and started driving home. Tina had bought the kids popcorn and they were eating and watching a movie when all of a sudden Peyton yells out "I lost my tooth"! "Good honey" I told him...slight pause then "I SWALLOWED IT!!!" this was followed by a very dramatic few minutes which consisted of crying, coughing, and trying to get it to come back up. Well with no luck I assured him that the toothfairy would still come, and we could just explain the whole situation to her.....After finally convincing him that it was going to be ok, he calmed down. Here is the note he left for her.... Sorry that I swallowed my tooth, Love was adorable! Well he is at my parents house right now and two nights ago lost another tooth in the middle of the night.....and he SWALLOWED that one too!!!

Here are a few pictures of Addi and Thayne playing in Aunt Tracys pool....they have so much fun together! This is one of I think two times that Addison has gone somewhere without me since Tim left.

The Redmon reunion at my parents house.....we started out at the parade on the 24th (this is a mormon holiday that we celebrate because it is when Brigham Young reached the Salt Lake Valley). Around here it is a bigger celebration than the 4th of July.

This is a picture of my oldest brother Travis little girl Olivia's Birthday party